Making Art Simple

Hi, I'm Michele. Watercolor Artist, Illustrator, and Art Tutor

With over 20 years of experience, I’ve guided countless students to master watercolor techniques. From beginner to advanced levels, I’ll guide you through techniques, color theory, and composition to help you create stunning watercolor paintings.

Let's create something extraordinary together​

Explore my free and paid online courses, or shop for artwork and the materials I designed especially for you.

what My Students say

"You are the only watercolor instructor I’ve ever come across actually teaching the depth and breadth of techniques and understanding the medium."


Online watercolor Courses

My top three online courses.

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Explore the captivating world of watercolor painting

With a specialism in watercolor techniques and pigment mixing, I have helped many students finally get to grips with watercolor and see real improvement. Explore my free and paid online courses, or shop for artwork and the materials I designed especially for you. Sign up to my newsletter below! 

Featured in:


Your Signature Offer

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A place for artists and craftspeople to come together and learn new skills. Share your artwork, your successes and disappointments. Gain help and support from others on the same journey as you.

My most popular online courses include...

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